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Industry News
CDMO model becomes strategic choice


The pharmaceutical outsourcing industry has a development opportunity, and CMO reduces production cost Increase the income risk and cost pressures and other factors driving in dollars, rose to 2 billion 600 million of the cost of new drug research patents expire, pharmaceutical business mode from "vertical integration" gradually transformed into "open cooperation", the pharmaceutical industry outsourcing services including pharmaceutical CMO, usher in development opportunities.

Pharmaceutical CMO enterprises rely on deep technology accumulation to help pharmaceutical companies optimize pharmaceutical technology, reduce production costs, control risks and improve operational efficiency. The cost of production is about 30% of the total cost of the original research. Outsourcing in low cost countries can reduce production cost by 40-60%, which means 15% of total cost is reduced.

  The CMO industry is shifting to the emerging market, and the CDMO model becomes a strategic choice.

  High cost and slow development of early innovation technology have become the constraints of the development of CMO enterprises in Europe and America. While emerging market CMO enterprises have the advantages of technological innovation, flexible innovation, low lab